Prior to 1992 all streams and Federal reservoirs in Kansas were open to mussel harvest with an approved permit. In 1992, the harvest of freshwater mussels in Kansas was limited to five species, and the streams open to harvest were limited to four rivers; all Federal reservoirs remained open. The weight of mussels harvested from Kansas streams peaked in 1996 and the harvest in reservoirs peaked in 1997. From 1997 to 2002 harvest declined steadily each year. To preserve mussel populations, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks established a 10-year moratorium on harvest of freshwater mussels in Kansas in 2003.
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1 April 2007
Review of freshwater mussel harvest in Kansas 1992–2002
Thomas D. Mosher
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Vol. 110 • No. 1
April 2007
Vol. 110 • No. 1
April 2007